We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Advent Service

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Advent Service + Children & young people’s parties. Followed by a creative ‘bring & share’ Advent Arts lunch.

As December begins and we look towards Christmas, we have our 10.30am Advent Service on 1st December, followed by a great opportunity to share a meal together after our Service.

 Advent is nearly upon us. The dictionary describes Advent as an event happening, an invention being made or a person arriving, a coming into being or use. What does this word mean to you? Are there hidden moments in your everyday life which resonate with this theme of Advent? Or is it a time for imaginatively joining with the Christian Advent season. In this November month of Creativity we would love to invite you to creatively respond to this. Do you have a favourite poem/song or could you write one which reflects this season. Or could you paint a picture responding to this theme? On Sunday 1st December we have our Bring & Share Advent Arts lunch with a chance to share creatively and we will also have a pop-up art exhibition. If you want to paint with others then do come to the next two Meal and Meditations 12-2.30 on Tuesdays @ Vanguard Way Community Centre, where we will be using the art/craft time to respond to this. If you have never tried this before then click on the buttons below to get you inspired. Message Jules if you would like some materials or further ideas about visual art responses. Or see Rosie at church to chat further.We look forward to seeing everybody there.