‘Knowing Jesus and having fun’
We are passionate about our children never going a day without knowing Jesus. We aim to provide a fun and safe environment to get closer to God and learn how to discover God throughout the week as a family.
We have a YouTube Channel!! Watch our latest video here

Mini Church is for children from 0- nursery

Roadrunners is for children from reception to Year 4
Both groups normally meet during the 10.30am gathering for a supervised time of fun, games and spiritual input.
Messy Church is our fun, interactive and creative gathering which happens on a Saturday throughout the year, we meet together and have crafts, games, challenges, a Talent Show and of course a meal.
It is aimed at children from 0 to year 6 (though teenagers are more than welcome!)
Families Connect is our group for families to get together, share and support each other.

Springers is our toddler group which meets on Thursday mornings from 9.30 am during term-time at the Crusader Hall, Stanley Park Road, Wallington.

Family Gathering is our time to join together as a family, to do some crafts, games, action songs, chats and challenges. We will be looking at a different theme for each event and will be looking into the Bible and our lives to explore the theme. We have these events throughout the year.