E mail updates
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If you would like something to be considered for inclusion on the weekly news please send it to Nigel in the office. Please send it in word format with pictures attached separately in jpeg format.
Mission Partners News & Prayer requests
We get newsletters from the Mission Partners we support, and where we can, will share them here:
Abigail works with OM in Norway while Thomas is working to gain more hours on his pilot’s license which he hopes to use in the mission field.
Nigel has worked for many years on missions in Pakistan and continues ministering now he has returned to the UK
Martin has been working as a software developer with the Internet Publishing Service of Wycliffe Bible Translators since 2008. He is currently the lead software developer, part time. His team enables translation teams to create Bible websites in minority languages. Later this year he plans to move to a different Wycliffe project.
Update provided 11/7/2024
Chris and Veronica live in Spain with their family where they work for the Church Mission Society. Click on the link above for their Family photo and below for their latest update.
Chris & Veronica July 2024 Family News
Lucy & Andrew run the RUSH academy in Kakamega in Kenya, as well as many other ministries supporting the local community. Click on the RUSH link above for their latest prayer needs
Trish is in Guatemala working with local churches
With the team going into local schools to lead assemblies and run workshops, plus much more, SSW make a great difference. Do click on the name above for their latest news and prayer points.
Just click on the name to download a pdf of the latest news, or contact the church office for a hard copy.
Council Minutes
Springfield Church Council (our PCC) meets regularly – here are the agreed minutes from our recent meetings. You can read them here, or to request a printed copy please contact the Church office.
Annual Reports
Here is a link to Springfield’s Annual Report.
You can read it here, or to request a printed copy please contact the Church office.