We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Christmas 2020 Wallington Angels

Angels are coming…! Can you find them?

For the first 12 days of December, look out for Angels appearing around Roundshaw and Beddington Park!

With each Angel you’ll find a clue for the location of the next day’s Angel. You’ll also find a letter of the alphabet each day.

When you’ve found all twelve, use the letters to spell a special phrase.

And we’ll be posting extra clues here if you need them!

Once you’ve collected all the Angels and their letters, try and work out the Christmas phrase. As soon as you know it let us know in the sign up for Christingle form and You will receive a prize! Along with your Christingle pack!

Feel free to download the following guide and the first clues

Angel Hunt Guide (colour)

Angel Hunt Guide (black and white to print)