We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel


Alternate Tuesday evenings 8.00 pm.Welcome to Cole, aka Every Other Tuesday with Jesus.We’re a mixed-age single-sex group (though occasionally infiltrated by the Coles’ female cat); there’s currently about 7-8 regular members, mainly young men and dads in our 30s-50s. We meet alternate Tuesday evenings, usually at Ben Cole’s house where you can expect a warm welcome, a mug of good coffee or tea, and cake and wine if it’s your birthday week. You can also expect the company of several people named David, which can sometimes feel a little like being in a Monty Python sketch; some dodgy guitar playing and what might at a stretch be called singing; and a whole lot of banter and bad punning. After all that we might get down to some serious spiritual discussion, even on occasion using the official cell notes if all else fails. Off-beam and mildly heretical views are welcomed, though Phil Campbell keeps us on track with his regular ‘Bible in a nutshell’ feature (you’ll have to come along to find out what that means).New Labour famously didn’t do God; the Cole group don’t do football. Otherwise, we’re up for most things. For socials we tend to go with food and drink – curries, BBQs or pubbing, occasionally branching out into Karting or other more adventurous pursuits. (We’ve yet to manage the long-promised Audi R8 day, just as we’re still eagerly awaiting Ben’s discussion on Eternity, but we live in hope).Categories: Small Groups