We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Connecting with nature survey for local residents

You may have seen some curious posters around Roundshaw and the Phoenix centre with a QR code and some kind of nature themed message. ’What’s the buzz around here?’ asks the one in the Beehive café, ‘Just breathe’ says the one in the doctor’s surgery and ‘Sprogs that like frogs?’ enquires the poster in the library. These are the work of Charlie and Rosie and the link will take you to a ‘connecting with nature’ survey. They’re trying to find out what kind of nature-based activities the local residents would like to join in with whether its bushcraft, bird watching, foraging, star gazing, picnics or anything else that gets us outside and appreciating the natural world together. If you know of any local residents who might like to join in some kind of nature-based activity, please ask them to complete the survey so we can out and get something going.


Click here to take the survey

Categories: Announcements, Blog, Community