We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Pray First

During September we’ve got a brand new message series called PRAY FIRST

It comes at a pivotal time for Springfield as we enter into a period of vacancy between ministers, and we need the Lord’s guidance, wisdom and revelation more than ever. And of course each of us has situations and circumstances where we need to see a miracle or a change. So instead of leaving prayer for a last resort we’re thinking about how prayer might practically be our first response.

We’ll be covering topics including Praying First, Praying & Fasting, Jesus teachings on prayer, cultivating a lifestyle of prayer and more!

And we’ll also be sharing details about 21 days of Praying and Fasting that will be kicking off on 12th September through until the 2nd October. Let’s get praying!!

Categories: Announcements