We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Safe Church Sunday

This Sunday Springfield will be marking Safe Church Sunday. This is an annual awareness raising campaign, coordinated by Thirtyone:eight, an Independent Christian Safeguarding charity.

 As part of the event, we will be exploring how safeguarding is a demonstration of our Christian faith, we’ll talk about the safeguarding arrangements our church has in place, and we’ll be thanking the people involved in making this happen.

 Safe Church Sunday is one part of our ongoing commitment to making our church safer. If this raises any questions or concerns for you, we have named individuals that you can talk to.

We have appointed Sarah Miller and Tim Samuel as our Church Safeguarding Officers (CSO). Our CSOs are the first people to speak to if you have any concerns around the welfare of a child or adult with vulnerability.

Tim Samuel

Sarah Miller or on 07941 696037 Categories: Announcements