We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Springfield Quiz night – 20th February

Springfield Quiz Night!

Come and join us on Saturday February 20th for our next QUIZ NIGHT!!!. It will be starting at 7.30pm and the Zoom room will be open from 7.10pm.

This quiz is being run by David’s Quiz Nights

There are 2 ways to join the quiz:

1) Sign up as a team, with a Team Captain registering up to 7 other teammates. Please email the following details directly to davidsquiznights@gmail.com

– Date of quiz / Springfield (David is running several quizzes at the moment so don’t want to get entries mixed up)
– Captain’s name and email address
– Team name
– Other team members’ names (max 8 per team) Note: Teams can be made up of multi-households as David will use the breakout room function on zoom.

2) Register your interest as an individual and request to join a team. Please email your name and email address directly to davidsquiznights@gmail.com

Team captains will receive email confirmation of their participation. Alongside this, Zoom login details and instructions for the night will also be sent to team captains to then redistribute to their team members prior to the quiz happening.

Entries will be accepted up until 5pm Thursday 18th February 2021. The quiz will be limited to 100 devices (1 family in the same house = 1 device)

Please ensure you have a strong internet connection as the quiz will be run using a PowerPoint presentation.

Categories: Announcements