We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Tearfund Big Quiz Night

On Saturday, 19 November, we joined in with Tearfund’s nationwide Big Quiz, by hosting one at St Paul’s. The Jesus Group was in charge and so they, of course, ensured good fun and laughter was had by all! Springfield raised an amazing £505 for Tearfund! Across the country, 13 421 people took part, including 335 churches and, so far, a total of £59 236 has been raised! 

The venue was decked with Christmas lights and lanterns and the tables were filled with tasty nibbles. Each member of the winning team received a bottle of champagne and the runners up were rewarded with a box of chocolates. The most envied team, however, was the one who finished second last as they each went home with a Christmas cactus! 

With so much positive feedback, we look forward to running another quiz night in 2023!Categories: Announcements, Uncategorized