We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Vision Sunday & AGM Recap

During our Vision Sunday and AGM, David shared about our refreshed vision & values for the next season for Springfield. If you weren’t able to make it, you can catch up here: Vision Sunday & AGM Service

or check out this document which gives an overview of where we are up to so far: Refreshed Vision and Values 2024 Final

Here is a link to the SNAPSHOT videos that are now available: SNAPSHOT AGM videos

Here is a link to Springfield’s AGM minutes, published on 12th July: FINAL AGM minutes from 2024 meeting

Here is a link to Springfield’s 2024 Annual Report, updated on 12th July: 2024 Annual Report

This document was published on 20th June 2024, following our vision statement being finalised, and provides an overview of our latest vision & values for our next season:Refreshed Vision and Values June 20th 2024 

Watch this space for more info as it develops, including what the final refreshed vision statement will be.

Categories: Announcements, Blog