We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Prayer is the foundation for everything we do as a church. As part of our belonging, we regularly gather with others (in person, online & WhatsApp) to seek God’s heart and call upon heaven for breakthrough in our lives, our church, the communities we’re part of, and the wider world. These include:

  • Zoom morning prayer meeting – every weekday at 9.30am: just click here to join us
  • Mission Partners & Persecuted Church prayer gathering – Currently first Monday of the month.
  • Monthly prayer calendar 
  • WhatsApp prayer groups
  • Termly listening & vision prayer gatherings
  • Local Houses of Prayer

To find out more how you can be involved from Wendy, please contact the office.

We produce a monthly prayer calendar with activities for us all to pray for each day. If you are involved in a missional activity which you would like included in the calendar please let Wendy Samuel or Mel Wynn know.

Email the Church Office

Resources to help you pray

Prayer resource front page

A Digital resource pack crammed full of ideas to help you pray. There’s resources for Worship, for Creative prayers and praying for our friends, family and neighbours.

Download onto your computer, tablet or phone and follow the links for online content.

Prayer resource families front page

A Digital resource pack for families to engage with prayer together. This is an addition to the main resource pack with extra ideas for worship and Messy, Creative and Quiet prayers for you and your family. It’s aimed at families with children aged 3-14 but you might like to try some of the ideas even if that’s not you!

Download onto your computer, tablet or phone and follow the links for online content