We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Sermons on “1 Peter”

Abundant Life – Thinking like Jesus

Charlie is talking about ‘Thinking like Jesus’, as we continue with our Abundant Life series in 1 Peter.
1 Peter 4:1-11

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Abundant Life – Suffering for Christ

Our guest speaker, Mark Liburd, is talking about ‘Suffering for Christ’, as we continue with our Abundant Life series in 1 Peter.
Mark works for the charity ‘Open Doors’. Open Doors helps support persecuted Christians globally in over 60 countries.
1 Peter 3:13-18, 4:12-19

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Abundant Life – Life-giving words

David continues with our Abundant Life series, and talks about our words and how they impact the lives of others.
1 Peter 3:8-12

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Abundant Life – Called to a Deeper Beauty

Helen Shannon is a leader and planter of church@five, based on the Strawberry Vale Estate in East Finchley.
Helen continues with our Abundant Life series, and talks about what it means to cultivate inner beauty in today’s society.
1 Peter 3:1-7

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Abundant Life – Jesus our example of nonviolent resistance

Nick continues with our Abundant Life series, and talks about whether violence is ever acceptable and explores Jesus’s example.
1 Peter 2:11–25

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Abundant Life – People of God’s presence

David continues with our Abundant Life series, and talks about what it means for us to be a temple of God’s presence.
1 Peter 2:1–10

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Abundant Life – The Call to Holiness

Cathy continues with our Abundant Life series, and talks about how we can make changes to how we live and let God’s love transform us.
1 Peter 1 13-25

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Abundant Life – Becoming a New Family

Mel continues with our Abundant Life series, and talks about how to live and flourish in our life with Jesus.
1 Peter 1:3-12

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Abundant Life – An Introduction

Mel introduces our new series, Abundant Life, and highlights finding our hope in Jesus through the challenges of life.
1 Peter

The Bible Project video link

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Finding Joy: Just Ask

Jon introduces our motto verse for 2021 from 1 Peter 1.6-7, and we discover why seeking and growing in the ‘wonderful joy’ that is part of our inheritance in Christ is so important. It starts with wanting it, and as Jesus tells his disciples in John 16.24, all we need do is ask.

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