We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel

Sermons by “Charlie Davies”

A Courageous start – Are you God-Confident ?

Charlie continues our series on courage, talking about Daniel’s experience, to remember what God has done in our lives, to know God’s voice, and to do the right thing.
Daniel 6:1-28 NLT

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Creativity – ‘Created to create – Curiosity & Connection’

Charlie continues our November series on ‘Creativity’, talking about our connection to God, and how we should be both creative and curious as part of our identity in Christ.
Genesis 1:26-2:3 NLT

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Encountering Jesus – ‘Thirsty!’

Charlie is speaking on ‘Thirsty!’ and asks what we might be drinking instead of Jesus’ living water. Imagine you are the woman at the well and consider your reaction to this encounter with Jesus.
John 4:1-15
NOTE: No Group notes are available during the Summer period.

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Abundant Life – Thinking like Jesus

Charlie is talking about ‘Thinking like Jesus’, as we continue with our Abundant Life series in 1 Peter.
1 Peter 4:1-11

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How is this love ? How God’s love is like a well watered garden

Charlie talks to us about how God’s love is like a well watered garden, and how we can be part of God’s work in restoring the broken relationship between man and earth.
John 15:1-11
Isaiah 58:11-12

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Returning to the Call 4 – God Speaking Through Nature

Charlie explores Jonah 4 looking at how God used nature to speak with Jonah and bring about change.

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