Sermons in “How is this love ?”

How is this love ? Love looks like a party invitation
David talks to us about how God’s love looks like a party invitaion, and challenges us to consider our response.
Luke 14:12-24

How is this love ? Love looks like a healed hand
Luke talks to us about leaving our comfort zone and stepping out in faith to pray for healing.
Luke 6:1-11

How is this love ? Love looks like a meal with the marginalised
Mark talks to us about leaving our comfort zone and getting alongside the needy.
Matthew 9:10-17

How is this love ? Love looks like a broken jar of perfume
Mark talks to us about how God’s love looks like a broken jar of perfume, and how we can grow in our love for Jesus.
Luke 7:36-50

How is this love ? How God’s love is like a well watered garden
Charlie talks to us about how God’s love is like a well watered garden, and how we can be part of God’s work in restoring the broken relationship between man and earth.
John 15:1-11
Isaiah 58:11-12

How is this love ? How love looks like a Beach BBQ
David talks to us about how love looks like a Beach BBQ, and how courageous and compassionate conversations can lead to forgiveness and friendship.
John 21:7-19

How is this love ? How can an empty tomb be love ?
Mel talks to us about how an empty tomb can be love, and how we can be released from the things that entangle us into God’s love, joy and peace.
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How is this love ? Love looks like a humble donkey
David talks to us about what Jesus’s love looks like, and asks how Jesus may want to challenge our thinking about humility
Matthew 21:1-14