We meet every Sunday at 10.30am at St. Paul's Church, Roundshaw and on our YouTube channel


Welcome to Springfield Church Wallington. We are a group of ordinary people who have had a life-changing encounter with an extraordinary God.

We believe our God-given vision is to thrive like a ‘Spring Field’. 
Becoming communities: overflowing with abundant life, 
where everyone can belong and find hope in Jesus.

We meet throughout the week in the community and every Sunday morning at 10.30am at St. Paul’s Roundshaw (SM6 9HG) and two Sunday evenings of each month at 7pm. We’d love for you to come and join us!

Recent Sermons

We post our sermons weekly, so come and check out the latest message.

Listen to Sermons

I'm New

I'm new and I want to find out more.

I'm New

The Story Continues

God's writing a story through Springfield Church. Find out how you can be a part of that here.

The Story Continues

Upcoming Events


  November 7, 2024

Are you at home with a baby or toddler ? We would love you to come and join us at Springers. Every Thursday 9:30-11.15am at the Crusader Hall, Stanley Park Road, Wallington during term time.

Event Information


  November 8, 2024

Friday Food & Fun. A Place to be YOU! Come along and enjoy yourself. Fridays from 4-5 pm in the Phoenix Centre, Youth Zone, during term time.

Event Information


  November 9, 2024

Cherish, a free 6 week course running this Autumn at St Paul’s Roundshaw, is a cross-church youth activity. The course teaches girls manicure techniques while studying the story of Esther and exploring life issues such as image and identity.

Event Information

Latest News

We’re looking for a Pioneer Children & Family Pastor

This is a unique opportunity for a highly talented children and families worker keen to make a big impact in Wallington (near Croydon). The role offers a significant stepping stone for career development as you will be able to develop and multiply the impact of our Pioneering ministries by training designated partner Estate churches across […]

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We’re hiring: Pioneer Project – Operations Director

We’re super pumped to be able to share about an exciting opportunity to join our team as part of a Pioneering Project, as we develop pathways to faith on the Roundshaw Estate. With significant grant investment from the Church of England, we are now setting up a Pioneering Project to develop these pathways, with new […]

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Our God-given Vivid Vision

Below is our ‘Vivid Vision’ of what fulfilling our God-given could tangibly look like. Please read through it slowly and prayerfully, and ask God how you are to respond to what you read. Imagine a field, bursting with life from the natural spring waters that bubble up from deep below the surface. Imagine a landscape […]

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Making Space – Digging into our God-given Vision Together

During September we will be digging deeper into our Vision and looking at how we live out our values of courage, compassion, and creativity. And we’re excited as part of this, we have a guest speaker Natalie Williams, visiting us on Sunday 8th September, to share about compassion. Natalie Williams grew up in the deprived […]

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Connecting with nature survey for local residents

You may have seen some curious posters around Roundshaw and the Phoenix centre with a QR code and some kind of nature themed message. ’What’s the buzz around here?’ asks the one in the Beehive café, ‘Just breathe’ says the one in the doctor’s surgery and ‘Sprogs that like frogs?’ enquires the poster in the […]

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For Springfield Members

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Springfield Church takes the safeguarding and care of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. Further information about this can be found here

To raise any safeguarding concerns, contact our church safeguarding officer, Sarah Miller,   click here.

In an emergency call 999

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